I then had to make some cupcakes for my sister before she went back home to England. There was an over-abundance of Tazo Wild Sweet Orange tea (which you can't buy at Starbucks anymore, but it's available at Target), and I was suffering from insomnia. So while I drank a cup of tea, I created these beauties:
Since making really yummy lemon-lavender tarts for my Valentine's dinner with Jeff (which included Gordon Ramsay's recipe for beef wellington), I fell in love with homemade lemon curd. So I made a batch for my parents' house! It ended up being so tart that everyone made lemon faces when we were testing it, and I felt most succesful. I decided that ridiculously sweet cupcakes would go best with the tangiest lemon curd in the world. I've also fallen in love with the flavor of almonds, regardless of the fact that I actually hate eating nuts (don't ask), so the cupcakes became super-almondy! I hid the lemon curd inside of the cupcakes to surprise everyone, and then made an almond and Earl Grey tea frosting to top it off. Again, all I had to do to add the tea flavoring was steep it in some milk for roughly half an hour. I even experimented with making the cupcakes cute by making a swirl of frosting on top :).
Best of all, I heard that I made some lemon curd fans from this obsession!
This post will be finished off with more attractive family photos:
I'm salivating right now! You should start posting recipes and share your delicious mastery with the world!