Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Cupcake Explosion!!

Thanks to the fact that I'm virtually unemployed and should probably just give in to the idea of being a house-Alanna*, I was relatively poor this Christmas. I basically had spent an entire paycheck from the last time I worked on my family and Jeff, but still had to figure out what to get for his family.
Thank god for my cupcaking abilities.
I decided to shove the Christmas spirit down people's throats in mini cupcake form. I had a plan figured out weeks in advance, as most effecient Germans often do, and executed it at the last minute (as Alannas always do). Knowing that I wouldn't have access to my parents' wonderful new oven on either Christmas Eve or Christmas day, I ended up taking over Jeff's tiny kitchen. he'll probably still be finding bits of candy from this adventure in July...
This is what my idea of Christmas is:

Peppermint with chocolate chips,

and chocolate with Godiva liquer and cherries.
I used ten entire candy canes in the peppermint and chocolate chip cupcakes, which magically gives you nice, freshly-brushed breath. And, of course, I had completely substituted the one cup of milk with Godiva chocolate liquer for the chocolate cupcakes. This might be why Jeff's family likes me so much.
As always, Jeff was my trusted sous chef (and by "sous chef," I mean taste-tester), and was prepared to make sure that everything was good enough for his family.

You seriously should've seen me; I was a cupcaking machine. The only time I wasn't doing something related to my project was when the last batch went into the oven. I spent those ten minutes doing my hair and makeup :).
But now that Christmas is over, I only have one more chance to make cupcakes this year! I'm not entirely sure what they'll be, but I'm positive that alcohol will be involved...
Here's to hoping I get more chances to bake next year!

* House-Alanna does not vacuum, however.